Compliments, Suggestions & Complaints
Our Practice appreciates your feedback to assist us in improving our medical services for you and our community. if you have a complaint, compliment or suggestion please speak directly to our practice staff in person, call us on 02 9798 7212, or send us a letter to The Practice Manager, Miller Avenue Medical Practice, 17 Miller Avenue, Ashfield NSW 2131. Alternatively please contact us through the Feedback form below:
Complaints Resolution Policy
Miller Avenue Medical Practice understands that despite our best intentions, we are unable to satisfy everybody all of the time. We see patient feedback, both positive and negative as an opportunity to maximise our strengths and to address our weaknesses. Patient feedback is invited and accepted appreciatively at all times.
Complaints – Procedure
Opportunities are available for patients and other visitors to tell us how we are doing. We collect systematic patient experience feedback at least every 3 years as part of our accreditation process.
The Miller Avenue Medical Practice information brochure provides patients with information on how to provide feedback.
We have a complaints resolution process and we make the contact details for the state or territory health complaints agencies readily available to patients if we are unable to resolve their concerns ourselves.
Patients have a ‘right to complain’ and where possible patients and others are encouraged to raise any concerns directly with the Miller Avenue Medical Practice team who are trained to make sure patients feel confident that any feedback or complaints made will be handled appropriately.
Patients and others have opportunities to register their complaints either verbally to staff, in writing (letter) or via our suggestion box. Patients are encouraged to complain anonymously if desired.
We make every effort to respond to and resolve complaints at the time the patient or other people such as carers (relative, friend other consumer) makes them known to us.
Under the Health Services (Conciliation & Review) Act 1987 people with complaints are encouraged to try to resolve them directly with the health service provider. If a satisfactory outcome is not achieved then the complaint can go directly to the Health Services Commissioner for action. The public may also call the Office of the Health Services Commissioner at any time concerning a query or to report a complaint. The NSW Health Care Complaints Commission may be reached on: 1800 043159 or by going to:
Under national and state privacy laws: Commonwealth Privacy Act – Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 and APP, Miller Avenue Medical Practice must provide and adhere to a complaints process for privacy issues and those related to the APPs/Health Privacy Principles (HPPs).
All staff are prepared to address complaints as they arise. Depending on the nature of the complaint and advice received from medical indemnity company, complaints are recorded and actioned, with a copy placed in the patient’s medical record if related to patient care.
All clinical staff and the practice manger are aware of their professional and legal obligations regarding the mandatory reporting of unprofessional conduct.
When receiving complaints staff keep in mind the following in order to minimise further patient anxiety and hostility, possible leading to litigation.
Handling of Complaints
Handle all complaints seriously, no matter how trivial they may seem
Verbal, in person complaints are addressed in a private area of Miller Avenue Medical Practice where possible
Use tactful, anti-inflammatory language when responding to complaints
Don’t blame other staff, patients may not have all the facts or may distort them
Acknowledge the patients right to complain
Address the patient’s expectations regarding how they want the matter resolved
Assure the patient that their complaint will be investigated and not overlooked
Offer the patients the opportunity to complete a formal complaint form
Alert the GP or relevant clinical staff about disgruntled or hostile patients so he/she can diffuse the situation immediately
Inform the Practice Manager of significant statements made by the patient or significant change in patient attitude; often patients are comfortable to tell staff and not the GP
Practice Manager is responsible for feedback collection and analysis and handling complaints. The Practice Manager coordinates the investigation and resolution of complaints.
Use the Acknowledgment of Complaint letter provided and respond to complaints in writing within 2 working days
Telephone the patient to let him/her know that you are working on the problem
Respond to all complaints promptly in an open and constructive manner including an explanation and if appropriate an apology
Work with the patient to resolve the complaint and communicate the outcome with the patient including any changes made as a result of the complaint
If the complaint is of a medical nature always refer it to a GP
Where a complaint is made against a staff member provide them with an opportunity to discuss the details in a private setting
As a routine, contact Miller Avenue Medical Practice’s insurer when there is a complaint about a member of the Clinical Team in order to seek advice on resolving the complaint before any action is taken
Ensure the complaint does not adversely affect the patents care
Record the complaint, investigation, and actions, with a copy placed in the patient’s medical record if related to patient care and enter the details into the complaints file
If the matter cannot be resolved advise the patient about how to contact the Health Complaints commissioner.
The National Privacy Commissioner is able to receive complaints concerning privacy issues. Complaints here will have a response within 28 days.
National Privacy Commissioner
Privacy hotline 1300 363 992
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
Members of the public may make a notification to Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) (AHPRA) about the conduct, health or performance of a practitioner or the health of a student. Practitioners, employers and education providers are all mandated by law to report notifiable conduct relating to a registered practitioner or student to AHPRA.
Miller Avenue Medical Practice has a Policy of Learning From Complaints
Where appropriate, we ensure that complaints are reviewed at staff meetings
We analyse trends and discuss the methods of resolution
Other types of patient feedback – i.e. surveys, suggestion box are also reviewed at staff meetings
We record improvements made in response to patient feedback or complaints as evidence of quality assurance activities
Where appropriate, we inform the patient/s about Miller Avenue Medical Practice improvements made as a result of their input.